Change date


1 April 2014

No changes

1 April 2015



1.    Maximum amount of capital a person can hold and still claim CTR reduced from £16,000 to £6,000.

2.    Amounts for non-dependent deductions doubled (the amounts non-dependents are expected to contribute to Council Tax).

3.    Second Adult Rebate scheme ended. This was an alternative non-means-tested version of Council Tax Reduction, where the presence of a second adult could result in a partial Council Tax discount, regardless of the income held by the main householder.

4.    The maximum CTR a person of working age can receive was changed from 91.5% to 85%.

1 April 2016

The maximum CTR a person of working age can receive was changed from 85% to 80%.


1 April 2017

1.    The taper rate was changed from 20p to 25p .This is the amount CTR goes down by for every extra £1 in the income a household receives above their assessed needs.

2.    Maximum possible CTR is limited to the equivalent amount available for a Band D property.

3.    Minimum CTR award is set at £5.00 per week. If entitlement calculation is less than that, no CTR is awarded.

1 April 2018

No changes

1 April 2019

Minimum change rule introduced. If a person has a change of circumstances but it would not alter their entitlement by more than £2, the change is not passed onto them.